I am finally, blissfully home with my children. And all the fears and self-doubts and ambivalence I had about taking a sabbatical from the company I run with my husband are light years away.

Being home with two toddlers is far from easy, especially with my just-turned-two-year-old who has taken to SHRIEKING. But I know with my whole heart that this is where I am meant to be. At least for now.

As we spend more time together, I’m learning more tricks for handling their most wretched behavior. Tricks like lightening things up with laughter or silliness (not a natural reaction for this serious Capricorn). Or being extra compassionate. Or acting completely nonchalant in the midst of their outbursts.

On our first Monday together, we were at the park. Coffee in hand, I was pushing both boys on the swings.

“Look at us,” I said.

“Everybody else is at work or school. But not us. We’re just playing at the park. On a Monday.”

To which my 3-year-old replied, with complete in-the-moment exuberance, “Yes! And I love you now!”

Well, there you go.

What’s to come on Hudson and Hill

With both boys out of preschool, I feel immense responsibility to expose them to a world of learning and wonder. In the coming weeks I’ll be writing more about how we’re spending our time.

Whether you’re secretly thinking about becoming a stay at home mom, or just looking for some new ways to amuse your little ones, I hope reading about my journey will be useful to you.

